Ana sayfa. / projects / general mobile

General Mobile logosu.


Digital PR.


General Mobile wanted a plan to be highlighted on technology sites, especially for the GM 21 Pro that it will release soon.


We cooperated with Hakkı Alkan and Forum SDN, which has been a rising influencer in the technology sector recently and has seriously affected the purchasing decisions of the audience in this regard.


After the plan, we achieved an increase of 43% in the search rates of the product, 32% in the product awareness, and 43% in the conversation rate, specific to our brand.

Arama ikonu.
% 0

product search

Telepati ikonu.
% 0

product awareness

Diyalog ikonu.
% 0

conversation rate

Arama ikonu.
% 0

product search

Telepati ikonu.
% 0

product awareness

Diyalog ikonu.
% 0

conversation rate