Dijifabrik logosu.

Logo in the Branding Process

A company or business should attach importance to its name and branding process; The logo and branding process are important parts that make up the whole story. Brands that manage this process well can gain a place in the market, while brands that do not manage this process well are forced to renew or change their story.

While creating a brand identity, designs that have a strong reason and strategy behind them become a successful identity rather than just a visual design. Logo design is not a process that can be started without thinking about it and understanding the story. While designing, the vision, values, business and brand story of the brand will be an important guide for the designer. What makes a logo a logo is not just its visual, font or sound; The messages given within are also important for integrity. For example, the letters “c” and “o” designed side by side in the Discovery logo convey the message of infinity. If this logo had been prepared with just a plain font, it would have no features or identity. The colors chosen in the logo, the designed fonts and sounds create the identity of the brand and make the design memorable.

Therefore, in the design process:

Being able to carry the brand positioning message well,

It is suitable for the personality of the brand,

Initiating the communication process with the consumer,

Make it memorable,

It has a meaning and has a distinguishing feature from other brands,

It should be noted that it does not carry inappropriate meaning in another language.

To give a brief example about the last item, we recently saw this situation in Eti’s product Negro. The product took its name from the Spanish word Negro, which means black. But over time, the word Negro acquired a discriminatory meaning. Eti changed the name Negro to Nero because consumers started using this word to classify people by skin color.

When these processes are not given sufficient importance or are not managed well, the story of the brands is negatively affected. To give an example of brands that carry out their branding process well, we can give the sound of music at Windows startup as an example. When we hear that sound we know it’s Windows. The same goes for Nokia. To these examples, we can add names that successfully manage the branding process, such as Coca-Cola, Apple, McDonald’s and Toyota.

As a result, during the branding process, you need to carefully determine your brand identity and where you want to position your brand. In this regard, the business criteria, vision, values and story of your brand greatly affect the process. After all these processes are managed properly and successfully, the best way would be to work with a designer with a good portfolio or an agency if you have capital. The designed brand logo, business cards, invoices, websites, catalogs and all visual materials included in the corporate identity will affect the process positively or negatively. Brands that carry out branding well become memorable by creating brand awareness among customers and consumers.